Καθώς το Athens ArtCore ανακοίνωσε πως το φεστιβάλ Death in Athens Festival δεν θα πραγματοποιηθεί, το Athens Open Studio θα παραμείνει κλειστό για προληπτικούς λόγους και θα μεταφέρει την έκθεση στον ιστότοπο.
Ας αφήσουμε μονο την έμπνευση και τις ιδέες να είναι μεταδοτικές!
Η έκθεση και το serving θα είναι γίνει live stream σήμερα στις 7.00 μμ. στο facebook και instagram
Θα ακολουθήσουν φωτογραφίες STAY TUNED
Athens ArtCore regrets to announce the cancellation of the Death in Athens Festival. After the government’s announcement regarding public spaces last night, we feel we cannot continue with the program. Athens Open Studio will remain closed and will take the show online.The exhibition and the serving will be live streamed today at 7.00 PM on facebook and instagram Photos will follow - STAY TUNED!
Lets allow only ideas and inspiration to be contagious!
'Serving off matter'
13- 14- 15 March A group show featuring works by Ileana Arnaoutou, Ekavi Arvaniti, Lily Hassioti, Ismene King, Elena Konstanidi, Alexia Psaradelli, Katerina Psaradelli, Ariadne Strofylla This exhibition is an invitation to four scheduled servings that will activate exhibited works, asking questions around the relationship between the body and edible matter, subject and object, protection and threat, life and death, appearance and trace. Following the serving on Saturday evening, a still life drawing session of the aftermath will take place as a process of subjective. Special times/Servings Friday: 20:30-21:30 Saturday: 14:00-15:00, 18:00-19:00 Sunday: 16:00-17:00 Aftermath Still Life Drawing Saturday: 19:00 - 20:00 "We all have an instinctual, a sensorial and a cultural relationship to food. The act of eating is a state that binds us all to our mortal condition, while drawing links to pleasure, disgust and tradition. During the process of ingestion, the body opens up for matter incorporation and enacts a transformation. The physical world acts on the individual, allowing a direct encounter between the somatic and edible substances, blurring boundaries of interior and exterior while making us aware of the processes of our living system and the inevitability of mortality."